顧小培博士在<信報視聽頻道>解釋,"川貝裏面含有一種主要成份Verticinone,能夠有效止咳。(藥學學報Vol. 42, pp. 274-278) ,而梨裡面的成份 Uronic Acid,亦能夠透過抑制脂氧化酶,而達到止咳作用,故此川貝燉梨,有止咳的功效。(Bratisl. Lek. Listy. Vol. 108, pp. 93-99) 。"
以上藥學學報引述川貝乙膽汁酸鹽硏究,並不是普通川貝制劑。而且測試動物是鼠類,並不是人類測試。再說 Uronic Acid,查閱此文獻 )Bratisl. Lek. Listy. 2007 Vol. 108, pp. 93-99 )標題是 The antitussive activity of polysaccharides from Althaea officinalis L., var. Robusta, Arctium lappa L., var. Herkules, and Prunus persica L., Batsch,作者 Sutovska M 和其團隊硏究多種植物是否有止咳功效。包括蜀葵巴戟天,牛蒡,桃花樹膠。文獻上雖然有提及Uronic Acid,但是沒有論述它能抑制脂氧化酶(Lipoxygenase)。作者在文獻中說Uronic Acid 這種多糖體止咳功效來自於它能蓋過咳嗽接受體,避免外來致原物刺激咳嗽接受體,達致止咳功效。
"The highest activity was observed with ILK, the polysaccharide having the highest proportion of uronic acid in its molecule. When considering the generally accepted principle of the action of plant polysaccharides, i.e. their ability to protect the cough receptors by a layer against irritation by exogenous and endogenous tussigens, then the mucilaginous nature of ILK might partly explain its impressive cough-inhibiting property."
以上硏究測試動物是貓類,換言之,人類攝取Uronic Acid 是否有止咳功效的資料是欠奉。梨和川貝混合來服用是否可以止咳,當中有幾多是藥用功效,多少是令人舒服的感覺、真的需要一些實質的人類臨床測試,才可分孰真孰假。
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